Searching for Happiness with Real Love
My Journey Towards Real Love
I have embarked on a journey to find that “real love” sometimes referred to as “agape” which in the Greek language is the “fatherly love of God and humans, as well as the human reciprocal love for God.” I am learning and beginning the practice towards giving of myself, unselfishly, without expectations, but with great joy and happiness. This happiness helps to define the reach for real love and then allows us to truly love ourselves, and our fellow neighbor. To be able to embrace the love that God gave us at conception and to grow that love in a transformative way, is the consequence of my journey. It is the ability to communicate without hate, anger or disappointment. My goal is practical, yet in a spiritual sense, it is to truly love my neighbor as myself. That is the true hallmark of “real love” in my heart.
My Beginning
I believe the miracle of life begins with God’s love, and we have remnants of that love at birth.
This love at birth is (with hope), continuously nurtured as we grow into the persons we are to become. With a faith in God or a Divine, this love can mature into “Real Love” that can transform us and others.
For most of us, this love is elusive, or is manifested in such a way that is just an imitation of love. “Imitation love” is that which is saddled with expectations based upon our own wants and desires, and not of the happiness for others.
Born prematurely, I believe I had the love of God in the womb, and afterwards, love by those who cared for me in the Italian hospital where I was born and stayed while my lungs matured. My twin and two other siblings gave me their own kind of love, but it was not enough for my heart and soul to find or know real love. My parents could not produce or teach me that deep love either. But, my story is a forgiving one, as I am grateful about my birth and the love, they tried to give me. Thank you Mom and Dad.
But I believe I am a broken soul. I have so many fissures in my heart and all the love I started with has somehow seeped through those cracks and into a void of sorts. I have traveled this life of 64 years, yearning, looking for and failing at finding that elusive love. Some of those cracks have closed, but with deep scarring. As I have tried to repair those wounds, my objectives were not clear, and they caused me a lot of confusion. Why was finding answers about love so difficult?
Looking to God’s hand for guidance, He steered me to a wise and willing teacher, who with profound happiness, caring and now love, is helping me begin my journey. We both are on this journey together, looking forward to sharing this with all of you. To transform your hearts one at a time.
Join The Journey with Me
I am on a precipice, ready to write about my journey with you by my side. Wanting you to feel all that I feel and want to achieve, which is the practice of real love, for yourself, God, and others.